Sunday Service: 10:45 a.m. – 12 p.m.

PRAYER FOCUS FOR Week beginning 7th July, 2024

The Baptist Churches at:

  • Inverness
  • Irvine
  • Islay
  • Johnstone


The following members of our Church:

  • John and Caroline Leslie
  • Fearghas and Myra Noblett

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The Foodbank is looking for donations of:

  • Tinned fruit
  • Tinned carrots or sweetcorn
  • Biscuits
  • Breakfast cereals
  • UHT milk

Collecting points are at the Co-op and Tesco stores or call at the Foodbank in St Magnus Street on Monday, Wednesday or Friday afternoons between 2 pm and 4 pm.

Thank you, as always, for your ongoing support of their work.

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‘Sing to the LORD with thanksgiving.’
Psalm 147:7 (NIV)

No further information at the moment.


We believe that being in-person at a service is the best way of worshipping and enjoying fellowship together, but livestreaming our services can include those of our number who are unable to attend, allowing them to continue to be part of the Church.  It is also a great evangelistic tool in introducing people to Church who are maybe unsure of attending in person.

There are notices in the Building advising people of the livestreaming, and there are also some guidelines detailed below.
o The livestream will only start at the beginning of the service and will stop at the end of the service.
o The camera will only focus on the platform and not pan around the congregation.
o The camera will show the words of songs rather than the band during worship times.
o Parents have been informed of this, and can decide if they wish their children to take part in anything on the platform.
o Each service will only be available for one month then deleted.
o If it is a sensitive service, or if it’s a service where the children are mostly taking part, this will not be livestreamed.


Christmas Events & Services



  • Please continue to pray for our folks who are unwell or are facing difficult challenges at the moment.
  • Please pray that God will use the Livestreaming of our Worship Services in bringing people to Himself.
  • Please continue to pray for our House Groups.


Get Involved!
Please also remember there are lots of opportunities to become involved in the life of the Church.  Please speak to one of the Leaders if you are interested in this.