3.15 Club – An after-school club for P1-7.
Wednesdays 3.15-5.00pm at Lerwick Baptist Church. Games, snack, crafts and bible stories.
3.15 Club will run every Wednesday during term time. It is a fun after-school club that will include games, crafts and a snack. It is also an opportunity to explore the Christian faith.
You can join our private Facebook Group here: 3.15 Club Private Facebook Group
Register for the club here: bit.ly/315regform
3.15 Club is a registered Scripture Union (SU) Group. Therefor affliated with Scripture Union Scotland which is part of the worldwide family of Scripture Union movements that began in the nineteenth century and now operate in over 130 countries across the world.
SU is a Christian charity working in partnership with local churches and other sympathetic organisations. More than 2,000 volunteers are involved in helping to run our activities, together with around 100 staff and associate workers.
Everything they do is governed by two core values: dependence on God and deepening relationships.
At 3.15 Club we hold the same principles that SU have, that we want to see children and young people:
Feeling valued and accepted in every encounter - being able to express their views, engage with others, and grow in confidence as they recognise and develop their abilities.
Exploring the key stories and events from the Bible, and growing in their understanding of God and what it means to know him.
Having opportunities to learn about Jesus, making the decision to know Jesus, and having the confidence to reflect this in their choices, attitudes and actions.