Enabling children to know God and grow in their relationship with Him is what we aim to do. For every age to know God loves them, to love Him and love others is at the heart of what we’re about.
We seek to create a place where children know that they belong. As well as our Sunday programme, we also have specific all-age services and events throughout the year. To provide a place for all ages to learn, pray, praise and play together.
3.15 Club
An after-school club for P1-7. Every Wednesday during school term time from 3.15-5.00pm at Lerwick Baptist Church. The club includes games, snacks, crafts and bible stories.
Mainly Music
Mainly Music is a toddlers group from 10-11.30am on Wednesdays during term time. It starts with a music and rhyme-based session. This is followed by a snack, free play and tea & coffee.
Sunday Morning Service
Salt Club (P2-P7)
Salt (Sharing And Learning Together) Club is broadly for primary 2 through to primary 7. Salt Club meets during the Sunday morning service each week in the upstairs lounge for 30-45 minutes. We enjoy a snack and some games while engaging with some teaching about our faith and praying together.
Shining Lights (3-6)
Shining Lights is for ages 3-6, and meets during the Sunday morning service each week in the side hall for 30-45 minutes. We enjoy a snack and some games while engaging with some teaching about our faith and praying together.
Creche (0-2)
Children are welcome to stay in the service however, we have a creche available to use at any time during our services that is open to anyone. Children must be accompanied by an adult, the live stream of the service is available on a TV in there too.
If you are attending our Sunday services, we ask you to fill out this child registration form.
All leaders have been vetted through the Protection of Vulnerable Groups scheme and are required to sign up to Lerwick Baptist’s safeguarding policies and procedures.