Small Groups

Across Lerwick and Shetland, we meet as house groups who are working out what it means to be family and follow Jesus. We eat, pray, share our lives, befriend, care, listen, explore the bible and more.

If you would like to join a group please contact us.

Small Groups

There are several house groups meeting throughout the week. These usually last one to two hours, and involve between 6 and 12 folk gathering around God’s word each week to study a book of the bible, or a relevant theme based on bible verses. There is an opportunity to share our joys and sorrows as we walk together with Jesus each day, and time to pray together.

Below is a list of the current House Groups, where they meet and the leader to contact.

Group: Leader | Time | Venue

  • Tuesday Afternoon Group: Alex Wiseman | Tuesday at 2:00pm | Church Side Hall

  • Tuesday Evening Group: Iain Currie | Tuesday at 7:30pm | Iain & Fiona Currie’s

  • Young Adults: Lee Williamson | 7.30pm | Church Upstairs Lounge & Homes

  • Women’s Group: Dorothy & Joy | Tuesday Evening | Zoom & Homes

  • Wednesday Evening Group: Eric Peterson | Wednesday at 7:30pm | Zoom

  • Apologetics Group: Fearghas Noblett | Thursday at 7:30pm | Church Upstairs Lounge

  • Thursday Evening Group: Stuart Fergusson | Thursday at 7:30pm | Stuart & Jess Fergusson’s

  • Youth Small Group: Lee Williamson | Fridays at 7:30pm | Various Homes

  • Precepts: Ruth Dale | Saturday at 9:30am | Church Side Hall